Expose Lies

Ever Green hopes to shed light on some of the most pressing issues of our time, regarding womanhood. New counterfeits arise with each generation, but the hopelessness of these lies remains. 

Please note these are concise passages addressing complex issues. They examine these issues through a philosophical lens, rather than creating a scientific argument.

The Lies of Our Time

  • If humanity’s sole purpose is to reproduce and seek out pleasure, and if we’re no more significant than the ant you just stepped on, abortion is fine. But God created humans in his image. His own words, declaring that humans are very good, still ruminate in our souls (Genesis 1:31). At our core, we all know humans have inherent value. But we don’t have the prerogative to murder another human simply because they’re in the womb. Humans are not meant to be God. And this is a very good thing, because our Creator knows what is best for creation. 

    Satan has convinced us that we have the right to determine which human lives have more value than others. Women are told the ability to bear children is a burden and motherhood an inconvenience. God has allowed humanity to partake in the process of creating new life, yet we reject this opportunity and instead exchange it for ease. Like a takeout meal, we decide when and what kind of children we want. When we deem what is valuable apart from what God declares is valuable, we try to become our own god. When we attempt to erase the writing of human worth from our hearts, we will only hurt ourselves.

    Further reading:
    Why Pro Life?
    Why Overturning Roe is Good for Women

  • True gender dysphoria is real and incredibly difficult. Those who experience it aren't lying about their struggle; they’re broken. As Christians, it's our obligation (and our joy) to point girls to the steadfast promises of Jesus, not to affirm the destruction of their bodies even if that’s what they want. We know we can’t flourish apart from Jesus and his truth (John 17:3). Putting our hope in gender identity, just like all other sins, leads to death (Jeremiah 2:13). 

    God is a purposeful creator who designed gender with intention. When we reject God’s intended design for creation, not only do we wrong God, but we hurt ourselves. Instead of flourishing in the unique role God gave us, society tells us true womanhood is just becoming more like men. It’s under this cultural anthem that young girls are altering their bodies. No matter the path we take, our core identity as God's children is the only satisfying destination. We were made for God, to be with him, and to delight in him. Without Jesus, we are all on a long journey of “self-discovery” but wandering far away from home.

    Further Reading:
    The Secular Creed
    Cultural Counterfeits
    The Hidden Harm of Gender Transition

  • All humans live for something. It may be money, beauty, or a job. We can look anywhere we like, but anything apart from Jesus makes a lousy god. Creation is good, but it’s not God. Humans, at their core, are designed to glorify and delight in him. From the beginning of time, we’ve known we are clay in the potter's hands. Yet even with the knowledge of a God, humans put their worth in things they know won’t last (Romans 1:18-23). 

    In our culture today, little girls are told that sex = power. Societal influencers like Hollywood and Social Media offer up a girl's sexuality as her greatest attribute. This lie leads girls to stake their entire worth in their appearance, which means getting trapped in a cycle of constant comparison and unending disappointment. But as Christians, we have hope. In this shifting world of counterfeits, Jesus brings life. What is our hope? It’s being called a daughter of the king that satisfies our longing heart. The hope we have in Jesus is eternal, unchanging, regardless of our suffering or circumstance (1 Peter 1:4). In spite of everything the world has to offer, Jesus is better.

    Further readings:
    Cultural Counterfeits